Orthodontics Blog | Braces Tips and Tricks | Thomas Orthodontics | Page 5

When It’s Time for an Orthodontic Consultation

If you’re experiencing jaw pain because your teeth don’t fit together properly, that’s a clear sign braces could be a good idea. But what about the less obvious clues? Are braces worth it? The answer is different for every patient. … Continue reading

Why Are My Teeth Discolored After Braces?

When braces come off, patients can’t wait to see their straight, beautiful teeth. If the removal of brackets and wires unveils white spots, patients are a lot less happy with the results. Enamel decalcification strikes many orthodontic patients, but it doesn’t have … Continue reading

Avoiding Cavities During Braces

You’re getting your braces off – you can’t wait to see your straight teeth and gorgeous smile (not to mention eat your favorite off-limits treats). The last thing you want to see when the brackets come off is white or … Continue reading

Do I Need an Extraction Before Braces?

When you or your child are in need of orthodontic treatment, you’re probably eager to get the whole thing over with. But sometimes there are preparatory steps to be taken before the brackets and wires go on. You may actually need … Continue reading

Do Pacifiers = Crooked Teeth?

Pacifiers might soothe a crying tot today, but they can cause big problems in the future Weaning your toddler off a pacifier can be a big ordeal – but it’s one that’s worth the effort. Both pacifier use and thumb/finger … Continue reading

What to Expect After Getting Your Braces Off

Big smiles are something you can count on after finishing orthodontic treatment! You’re finally done with braces! So, what happens next? Only good things, we promise. But there are a few special precautions you’ll want to take in the weeks … Continue reading

Summer-Friendly Foods for Braces

So you’ve been in braces for a while. You’ve probably gotten accustomed to eating habits that are safe for your brackets and wires. Problem is, summer is fast approaching – and with it comes some changes to your daily life.As … Continue reading

Best Foods for Braces

Missing your daily crunchy cereal? Yogurt with fruit is a great alternative! After you get your braces on, it takes some time to adjust to the change. Not only do you have an entirely new amount of material inside your … Continue reading

Better Sleep, Better Life

We all treat our bodies differently. And while we’re well aware that we tend to feel better after getting a full night’s sleep, so many other parts of life intrude to keep us from reaching that healthy 8 hours of … Continue reading

Why Do I Need a Retainer After Braces?

  After months in brackets and wires, it’s finally the big day: you’re getting your braces off. But once your teeth have been freed from their bands, your orthodontic treatment isn’t quite complete. You’ll be presented with retainers to wear, … Continue reading

Dermal Fillers or Botox: Which Is Right For You?

Feel like you’re looking older than your actual age? It’s time to make some changes. You can seize smoother, happier skin. With a face that satisfies, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident in your daily life.But what’s the appropriate route … Continue reading

Finding Orthodontic Treatment that Fits

Straightening your teeth once meant having a single treatment option: metal wires and brackets. But while braces were once restrictive, times have changed. It’s 2014: there’s no reason to choose orthodontic treatment that frustrates you. Metal braces aren’t the only … Continue reading

Are Braces Really Worth It?

Thinking about braces, but not sure if you’re going to be happy with the results? So many orthodontic patients go through the same mental struggle. When you’re facing years in braces, it’s hard to look down the line and imagine … Continue reading

Viewing Your Braces as Friends – Not Enemies

As purveyors of braces, it’s hard for us to see them in the same light most patients do. But we do understand that most patients aren’t thrilled to be spending time in brackets and wires. While the process may not … Continue reading

How to Recognize Sleep Apnea at Home

Have you been feeling particularly weary lately? Struggling to stay focused at work? Waking during the night with a choking, restricted feeling in your throat? These are all symptoms of a sleep disorder. While it may not necessarily be sleep … Continue reading

How Does Orthodontic Treatment Work?

There’s no denying that braces are a bit complicated. With all the brackets, wires, and other moving parts, how can you be expected to understand exactly what’s going on in your mouth? The clearer you are on the mechanisms of … Continue reading

5 Orthodontic Tips for Super-Speedy Straightening

Nobody wants to spend any longer in their braces than is absolutely necessary. It’s possible to streamline the orthodontic process so that you see a straight smile in record time. What’s the key to this easy, breezy treatment? The answer … Continue reading

Stopping Sleep Apnea ASAP

Exactly how would you rate your own sleep? Have your nights been a little less restful than usual lately? Poor quality of sleep can stem from countless environmental factors. Sometimes, though, it”s due to problems within your body, rather than … Continue reading

How to Maintain Your Straight Smile

You’ve just finished your orthodontic treatment. Congratulations! We’re sure you can’t wait to show off your new smile, snack with abandon, and be free of wires and brackets. There’s one catch: there are a few precautions you’ll need to take … Continue reading

Keeping Braces Care Simple

Braces mean changes. The end result is the most wonderful dental change possible – a straighter, healthier smile. But the orthodontic process requires you to make a few adjustments to your lifestyle and your diet. Don’t get overwhelmed by all … Continue reading

How Does Botox Work?

Our bodies can be the source of many frustrations. Facial wrinkles are especially annoying because of their prominence. But what can we do to smooth them? Even if your facial lines are frustrating you, it can be tough to decide … Continue reading

Guide to Straight Teeth: After Braces

This post is a continuation of our series on orthodontic treatment. To read about previous steps in the orthodontic process, check out earlier posts on our blog. You’re getting your braces off! The big day is exciting, but is accompanied … Continue reading

Guide to Straight Teeth: Your Time In Braces

This post is a continuation of our series on the experience of orthodontic treatment. Visit our Blog to look at the last few weeks’ posts on preparing for braces, getting braces on, and eating with braces. Our Naperville orthodontist is … Continue reading

Guide To Straight Teeth: Eating with Braces

One of the most common frustrations patients in braces mention is dealing with changes they must make to their eating habits. While it can be annoying to cut out some sticky, hard, and crunchy foods, braces aren’t as limiting as … Continue reading

Guide to Straighter Teeth: Getting Your Braces

This is part of our ongoing series about the entire braces process. To read Part One, Titled “First Steps,” check out last week’s blog post. So you’ve completed the preliminary portion of your orthodontic and it’s time for the big appointment: … Continue reading

Guide to Straighter Teeth: First Steps

If you’re thinking about straightening your teeth, you’re not alone. But many patients are uncertain as to what the first steps toward orthodontic treatment should be. This week’s blog post finds our Naperville orthodontist discussing what the preliminary stages of your … Continue reading