Stay Smiling - Even During Braces | Thomas Orthodontics

Make Your Braces Face a Happy One

living with Naperville bracesBraces don’t have to be a hassle. With the right attitude and approach, you can each day can feel like a big step in the right direction, instead of a collection of little frustrations. After all, the end goal of orthodontic treatment is a beautiful, healthy, and happy smile – why not anticipate that along the way?

We’re not just the people who replace your wires once a month – we’re your guides along the way. Check out our expert tips on keeping your orthodontic treatment progressing comfortably, and get in touch if you’re ever looking for advice. If your braces are driving you crazy, making some adjustments to your daily life could help boost your experience.

 What to Remember While Wearing Braces

  • Don’t miss an appointment – We know that your monthly exams can feel like they come around all too often, but they’re crucial to your success. You need to have your wires changed once a month in order for your straightening to continue, and for your treatment to proceed on track. If you miss one, it might take a little while to get into the office – just let us know if something comes up so that we can reschedule as soon as possible.
  • Keep problem foods out of the pantry – If you’re tempted to go for the same crunchy foods and chewy candies that you loved pre-braces, make things simpler by keeping them out of the house.
  • Take OTC meds for soreness – If your teeth are aching, take over the counter painkillers as instructed. Poking wires or brackets can also be covered with wax; if you feel like you need an adjustment, stop by the office.
  • Don’t aggravate tender teeth –  After getting new wires each month, you’ll be a little sore for the first few days afterwards. Make things easier on yourself by having some soft foods and liquid meals around – that way you won’t aggravate your teeth.
  • Follow instructions – Wear your rubber bands as instructed, and don’t skip the steps that Dr. Thomas asks to to take part in at home.
  • Be gentle – Treat your brackets and wires with respect; being careful will prevent any emergencies or broken orthodontia.
  • Prioritize brushing and flossing – If you keep your teeth clean, you won’t have to worry about post-treatment cavities showing up and marring your straight smile.
 Naperville Orthodontic Treatment | Braces Tips | Orthodontic Treatment Tips | Naperville Braces