What to Expect Before and After Braces | Thomas Orthodontics

Visualize Your Child’s Teeth After Braces

Hinsdale brace before and afterOrthodontic treatment can feel like a big ordeal. But focusing on the end goal instead of the process will help you and your child stay motivated through your brushing, flossing, careful eating, and monthly checkups.

When you see a transformation like the one above, everything about the patient’s life changes, and it all stems from a straighter, healthier, more functional smile.

Braces make so much possible – and you won’t know how they could impact your or your child’s daily life until you schedule a consultation. At this preliminary appointment, we’ll take x-rays, examine your teeth, and form an initial treatment plan to help you get an idea of treatment. Thomas Orthodontics offers complimentary consultations to help ease you into the orthodontic process without any commitment.

 Changes Possible with Orthodontic Treatment

  • Close gaps – Spaces between teeth make a big difference to your smile. Braces will improve the spacing of your teeth, closing these gaps and turning your smile into something you love.
  • Rotate teeth – Improperly angled teeth will impact your biting and chewing, and the way your jaws fit together. They also have a significant impact on your smile’s appearance. Orthodontic treatment will gently rotate them to put everything in its proper place.
  • Improve bite – If your teeth aren’t fitting together properly, that puts stress on your teeth and on your jaw joints. Long-term issues can lead to jaw disorders and worn dentition. Braces correct your occlusion and ensure that you’re able to comfortably close your mouth.
  • Space out crowded teeth – Crowded teeth can heighten your risk of dental problems, from cavities to gum disease. Spacing out these teeth with orthodontic treatment will both make it simpler to brush and floss and help prevent plaque buildup in the first place.
  • Reduce jaw pain – If your jaw aches because you have to strain to make your upper and lower jaws meet, braces will come as a welcome relief.

…plus many other transformations, depending on your needs.

The earlier you plan your child’s treatment, the better – at certain phases of development, straightening is simpler and less complex. If your child’s dentist has recommended that you visit an orthodontist, get in touch today.