Orthodontics Blog | Braces Tips and Tricks | Thomas Orthodontics | Page 2

Summer Foods Kids with Braces Should Avoid

Summer break means warm weather, vacations, and your favorite summer sweets! However, if this is your child’s first summer with braces, you may be in search of braces-friendly alternatives to many favorite summer foods. Foods to Avoid and Great Alternatives. These … Continue reading

Why Summer is the Best Time to Start Braces

Your child may never want to start their braces treatment, but the sooner they get started, the sooner their braces can come off, and their newer, straighter smile will appear. So when is the best time of year to begin … Continue reading

Orthodontist Shares The Best Ways to Speed Up Braces

We know no one wants to spend any longer in their braces than is absolutely necessary. The good news is that it is possible to streamline the orthodontic process so that you can get your straight smile fast and get … Continue reading

The Ultimate Guide to Braces, Step by Step

Even though you know you want to straighten your teeth, getting braces can be overwhelming. Knowing what to expect beforehand can help ease your mind. Read on to find out all about what happens before, during, and after your treatment … Continue reading

Are Electric Toothbrushes Safe for Braces?

Do you sometimes find it hard to keep your braces clean with regular brushing and flossing? It can be tricky to thoroughly brush and floss during orthodontic treatment. But it is vital for the health of your teeth and the … Continue reading

Signs You Need a New Retainer

Once you make the choice to improve and straighten your smile with braces or clear aligners, you want to do everything you can to maintain your investment. After you complete your course of braces or aligners, your orthodontist will recommend … Continue reading

Why These Patients Chose SureSmile Aligners

SureSmile patients are not just happy with their results, they are thrilled at the ease and comfort of their SureSmile treatment. If you are considering clear aligners, read on to hear about the experience from these real SureSmile patients. SureSmile … Continue reading

What Can I Eat and Drink During SureSmile Treatment?

One great benefit of choosing SureSmile aligners over braces is that no foods or drinks are off-limits. With traditional braces, you have to avoid many foods, from chewing gum to corn on the cob. You can easily remove your SureSmile … Continue reading

Which Are the Best Clear Aligners for Crooked Teeth?

Before and after SureSmile You know that you’re ready to straighten your teeth. You’ve decided against metal braces because of the convenience, appearance, and treatment process involved with clear aligners. Now, you have yet another decision to make: which clear … Continue reading

8 Signs You May Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Sleep apnea is a common concern – about 22 million Americans experience it. The more sobering statistic is that experts estimate around 80% of moderate to severe cases go undiagnosed. If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, you’re not getting the … Continue reading

The Best Oral Hygiene Habits For Children’s Dental Health Month

National Children’s Dental Health Month was created by the American Dental Association (ADA) to help promote the benefits of great oral health for children. This month-long national health observance encourages parents, teachers, and caregivers to help children maintain a healthy … Continue reading

How Long Will Braces Take Start To Finish?

Regardless of whether you or your child is just starting the journey to straighter, healthier teeth, you’re likely wondering just how long the treatment will take. In this post, we’ll break down the different factors that determine orthodontic treatment timelines … Continue reading

How Can You Help Your Family Prevent Cavities?

Dental cavities are still the most common chronic disease among children ages six to 19. Helping families understand the importance of maintaining excellent oral hygiene from a baby’s first tooth well into the teen years and beyond. Keeping your children’s … Continue reading

Have Your Teeth Shifted After Years of Braces? Here’s Why

We expect a child’s teeth to be constantly moving and shifting due to losing baby teeth and adult teeth taking their place. However, children aren’t the only ones susceptible to a shifting smile. Teeth can continue to move well into … Continue reading

Why Your Teen Keeps Getting Cavities With Braces

Cavities and tooth decay are among the world’s most common health issues, especially in children and teens. The risks of your child developing a cavity from inadequate brushing becomes even more likely if they are undergoing orthodontic treatment to straighten … Continue reading

Should Your Kids Be Using Mouthwash?

As a parent, you want nothing more than to teach your children excellent oral hygiene so that they can have fewer cavities the healthiest teeth possible throughout their lifetime. This statement can be especially true for parents who invest a … Continue reading

How Straightening Your Child’s Teeth Will Improve Their Oral Health

Undergoing orthodontic treatment is about more than just straightening the teeth for vanity reasons. Crooked and overcrowded teeth can negatively affect a child’s oral health, and misalignment issues can make it difficult for a child to maintain an effective hygiene … Continue reading

6 Tips For Encouraging Healthy Family Eating Habits Over the Holidays 

Kids are naturally drawn to foods high in sugars and starches because they taste delicious to their tiny taste buds, and this can be especially true when surrounded by holiday sweets. As a parent, it’s vital to ensure your children … Continue reading

Can a Chipped or Broken Tooth Be Fixed While Wearing Braces?

Your teeth are the hardest substance in the body – even harder than your bones! However, strong doesn’t mean indestructible teeth are susceptible to decay, chips, and cracks, especially while going through orthodontic treatment. Dental fillings are the most efficient … Continue reading

Braces Causing Bad Breath? Here’s What to Do!

Braces can help you achieve a beautiful smile, but having them on your teeth for months, or even years, can pose certain challenges. From difficulties flossing to getting food trapped between brackets and wires, your oral hygiene routine during orthodontic … Continue reading

Do You Recognize These Hidden Sugars In Your Family’s Diet?

You rarely feed your family sweets and sugary desserts, and your children prefer to drink water or a can of soda. If this sounds like you, you’re probably feeling pretty good about your family’s sugar consumption levels. But what about … Continue reading

What Causes White Spots On Teeth After Braces?

While most people can all agree that visible white spots on the surface of your teeth are less than desirable in appearance, the excellent news is medically, they aren’t considered a severe cause for concern. When it comes to what’s … Continue reading

6 Easy Ways To Make Oral Health More Fun For Kids

With what seems like an unlimited amount of games and toys at their fingertips, it’s no wonder that mundane tasks like brushing their teeth aren’t exactly on your child’s list of fun things to do. For parents, this can make … Continue reading

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips For Teens

Getting your wisdom teeth removed has become somewhat of a right of passage for most teenagers, and it’s one of the most common dental surgeries performed. Most children’s wisdom teeth come through between the ages of 17 and 25, while … Continue reading

Teeth Whitening Treatments After Braces

One of the most common questions we hear from patients who have just gotten their braces off is, “What’s the best way to whiten my teeth?” After months (or sometimes years!) of shifting and aligning, it’s obvious why you want … Continue reading

Is Your Teenager Grinding Their Teeth?

Teeth grinding is an involuntary habit that causes destructive consequences to the teeth and also affects other facial structures. Teeth grinding can affect individuals of any age, and it’s not uncommon to start noticing signs of teeth grinding in teenagers. … Continue reading

5 Ways To Prepare For Braces

The day your child finally gets their braces put on is a milestone moment in their life and yours. Orthodontic appliances take time to get used to, and being prepared is one way to make the process as smooth and … Continue reading

The 10 Worst Summertime Foods To Eat With Braces

Braces and other orthodontic appliances are great for correcting overcrowding, alignment and bite issues, and closing unwanted gaps. While there are many advantages to wearing them, braces require specific care to work properly. The best way to prevent damaging your … Continue reading

The Worst Drinks For Kids With Braces

Everyone should be aware of their sugar intake, but this is especially true for anyone going through orthodontic treatment. Sugar makes foods and drinks taste better, which is why it’s such a common additive in many packaged products. Because the … Continue reading

Routine Teeth Cleanings With Braces: What To Expect

Sticking to regularly scheduled teeth cleanings and exams are a critical piece of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Routine dental cleanings and exams should be performed by your dentist every six months, and they’re more important than ever while undergoing … Continue reading

Is a Root Canal Safe While Wearing Braces?

If a dentist has recently told you or your child that a root canal is needed, you may be wondering if it’s a safe treatment to have performed while wearing braces. It’s common for people to associate having a root … Continue reading

6 Secrets For Preventing Bad Breath With Braces

Braces are an incredibly effective method for straightening crooked teeth and correcting misalignment issues. During orthodontic treatment, significant changes happen to your mouth, and if your hygiene habits aren’t altered to keep up with these changes, things like bad breath … Continue reading

Orthodontics: A Long-Term Solution For Jaw Pain

Orthodontists are well-known for correcting crooked teeth through the use of braces and other orthodontic appliances. However, your local orthodontist may also be the solution for correcting troublesome dental issues, like Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ. Several factors can cause … Continue reading

Gingivitis and Swollen Gums In Teens With Braces

Braces can give your teen a beautiful, straight smile for life, but getting there can sometimes come with challenges. Brushing and flossing with braces can be more challenging to clean the teeth thoroughly. If plaque isn’t removed daily, it can … Continue reading

Managing Acid Reflux Symptoms During Orthodontic Treatment

Acid reflux is when acid produced by the stomach moves up into the esophagus, causing heartburn. Not only is this condition very uncomfortable, but it can also silently damage the teeth. The stomach acids wear away the enamel on the … Continue reading

How Plaque Leads to Tartar Buildup With Braces

A common oral health misconception is that plaque and tartar are the same. However, there are undoubtedly significant differences between the two. Excellent daily oral hygiene is so critical while wearing braces and a key piece in achieving the goal … Continue reading

Every Child With Braces Should Be Water Flossing: Here’s Why!

Taking great care of your teeth with braces can be a big challenge. At Thomas Orthodontics, we believe that an excellent oral hygiene routine is a significant part of finishing an orthodontic treatment with a beautiful and healthy smile. Plaque … Continue reading

5 Facts About Mouthwash For Kids With Braces

Incorporating a mouth rinse for children can provide an extra level of cavity prevention while strengthening their developing teeth. Mouthwash can also provide an additional benefit for kids with braces since the swishing and rinsing of the liquid can help … Continue reading

8 Ways To Keep Teeth and Braces Healthy During COVID-19

These past few months have been filled with uncertainty for everyone. At Thomas Orthodontics, it’s our top priority to help our patients and their families stay healthy during COVID-19. After all, if there’s one thing to focus on during the … Continue reading

Tooth-Inspired Stocking Stuffers For Kids With Braces

It’s a holiday tradition to fill Christmas stockings with candy and treats, but parents of children or teens with braces may want to think twice. Many sugary holiday treats can be detrimental to braces, not to mention unhealthy for your … Continue reading

How Space Maintainers Prevent Long-Term Problems

Space maintainers are an innovative yet straightforward way to keep a space open until a permanent tooth can come in. Space maintainers, in addition to another phase one orthodontic treatment, can prevent more expensive and extensive treatments in the future. … Continue reading

Why Dental Implants Aren’t Right for Most Teens

There is a lot to consider when it comes to replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant. This type of tooth restoration is, by far, the most superior option when you’re ready. For many reasons, most dentists encourage getting … Continue reading

Can My Child Get Braces If They Still Have Baby Teeth?

Traditionally, orthodontic treatment begins when a child has lost most of his or her baby (primary) teeth, and a majority of the adult (permanent) teeth have grown in. This usually occurs between the ages of 8 and 14 for most … Continue reading

How Orthodontic Treatment Can Improve Total Mouth Health

Orthodontics can do more for a child’s mouth than just straighten their teeth. Braces can be effectively used to correct problems such as overbite, underbite, and narrow arches. By improving the jaw structure, a child’s total mouth health can be … Continue reading

Can Braces Solve Problems Caused by Missing Teeth?

A common question during braces consultation appointments is if braces can solve problems related to one or more missing teeth. When teeth are missing, adjacent teeth will often drift into the empty space, which leads to dental health issues down … Continue reading

Why Large Gaps Between Baby Teeth Are Nothing To Worry About

Baby teeth are essential to the overall health and development of your child. The shape and structure of your child’s primary teeth will also determine how comfortable they will be able to eat, speak, and smile. Many parents have growing … Continue reading

The Right Way To Wiggle Out a Loose Baby Tooth

Starting to lose baby teeth is an exciting time in a child’s upbringing. Baby teeth often fall out on their own; however, it can be a fun learning experience for your child to help the tooth loosen until it’s ready … Continue reading

Can I Prevent My Child From Needing Future Braces?

The development of the mouth, airway, and jaw begins at an incredibly young age. After years of extensive monitoring and research, it is now evident that babies who use pacifiers and bottles into childhood frequently require more dental work and … Continue reading

The Do’s and Don’ts of Orthodontic Wax

The early days of new orthodontic appliances and braces can lead to minor discomfort for most young patients. The soft tissues of your mouth can become irritated by the new appliances. Once your cheeks and gums get used to your … Continue reading

The Impact of Puberty On Your Teen’s Oral Health

As your children begin to transition into their teenage years, their oral health becomes at risk in more ways than one. From sports and social events to poor eating habits, the teenage years can have a significant impact on an … Continue reading