Why Summer is the Best Time to Start Braces - Thomas Orthodontics

Why Summer is the Best Time to Start Braces

Girls smiling with braces at the beach in the summer.

Your child may never want to start their braces treatment, but the sooner they get started, the sooner their braces can come off, and their newer, straighter smile will appear. So when is the best time of year to begin orthodontic treatment? It might be summer!

Reasons to Get Braces in the Summer

While summer might be the worst time to catch a cold or get a cast, it may be the best time to start braces. Here are some great reasons to think about getting your child’s braces in the summer.

Time to Get Comfortable

Even with modern technology and a gentle orthodontist, the first few days after getting braces can come with some discomfort. And while a little soreness is normal, it can be no fun going to school while being uncomfortable. Luckily during summer break, your child will be able to relax and not have to worry about classes, homework, and after-school activities.

Gaining Confidence

In addition to getting used to the feeling of having braces, kids can be a little self-conscious about their new appearance. Getting braces during the summer can give your child the time to adjust to seeing themselves – and feeling like themselves – with their braces before going back to school.

Easier Appointment Scheduling

Without the usual busy school-year schedule of pick-ups, drop-offs, and extracurriculars, the summer means your child has more free time to work with. Scheduling their orthodontic appointments is likely to be a lot easier during the summer months. And while you will need to have regular monthly visits throughout the treatment, getting in a groove during the flexible summer months will help make the routine easier.

Finding the Right Foods

Some foods are off-limits during braces treatments, and others, while not being strictly forbidden, might bother your child. Getting used to these restrictions may be easier in the comfort of their own kitchen. Your child can experiment to find out which foods are the best choices without having to do so away from home.

Extra Time for Learning Braces Care

Oral hygiene with braces requires a bit more time and attention, especially at first. You don’t want your child to have to rush through their teeth-cleaning routine for fear of being late for school. Summer mornings and evenings tend to leave more time to learn a proper care routine so that, by the time school begins, your child will be an experienced pro at keeping their braces and teeth healthy.

Tips For a Summer With Braces

While summer is a great time to start orthodontic treatment, there are some extra precautions that you’ll need to adopt to help protect their braces and keep treatment on track.

What Foods to Avoid

Some summer favorites may not be a great idea while your child has braces. These include:

  • Corn on the cob
  • Hard-skinned fruits
  • Raw veggies
  • Meat with bones like wings or ribs
  • Popcorn and chips
  • Sticky candy like taffy

Wear a Mouthguard

If your child plays summer sports, be sure they wear their mouthguard. A mouthguard will protect their teeth and their braces. If braces become damaged, that means an extra appointment for repair and potentially a longer treatment time since compromised braces can slow results.

Don’t Wait

Don’t put off getting your child started with their braces because of summer vacation. Instead, embrace the extra time and flexibility summer allows for this big adjustment. Call us today to talk about getting your child’s orthodontic treatment started as soon as possible, and you will be able to see their beautiful, straight smile before you know it.