5 Ways To Prepare For Braces - Thomas Orthodontics

5 Ways To Prepare For Braces

How to prepare a child for braces

The day your child finally gets their braces put on is a milestone moment in their life and yours. Orthodontic appliances take time to get used to, and being prepared is one way to make the process as smooth and painless as possible. From stocking the fridge and pantry with braces-friendly foods to collecting the oral care supplies your child will need to take care of their teeth, being ready for the big day is an essential piece of successful treatment.

Here is a list of five things we always recommend to parents of children about to get braces put on to make the transition comfortable.

Your Child’s Mouth Will Be Very Sore For Days

During orthodontic treatment, your teeth are actively being moved to new positions every second of the day. Changing the locations of the teeth can affect blood flow, which may trigger inflammatory responses, which trigger the pain responses in your brain. The worst soreness is typically right after you get your braces on, and you’ll come to expect the aching feeling that lingers in the few days after your monthly appointments.

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofen right before your appointments or immediately after will help to alleviate some of the pain.

Their Diet Will Need To Be Altered

In the first few days after getting their braces, your child will need to avoid eating anything hard, crunchy, or chewy. Prepare by stocking up on soft foods such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, smoothies, pudding, and protein shakes. To help your child meet their daily vegetable intake, try adding spinach to smoothies or pureeing vegetable soup. Although it’s tempting, try to avoid consuming sugary foods like ice cream and soda, increasing the risk of developing cavities and tooth decay.

Stock Up On Necessary Supplies

Orthodontic wax will be your child’s saving grace for a few days after getting new braces put on. Help relieve the irritation braces may cause on the inside of the mouth by applying orthodontic wax to the brackets and wires. Keeping wax around the house in several places is helpful, and always make sure you have some on hand when you’re out of the house to minimize discomfort throughout the day. You’ll also want to have an over-the-counter pain reliever on hand to alleviate any dull pressure or pain while your child’s mouth adjusts.

Take Your Events Calendar Into Consideration

Your child’s mouth will feel sore for a few days after getting braces, and it will take a while for them to feel entirely comfortable wearing them, especially while eating. For these reasons, it’s a good idea to clear your calendar of any significant events that require a lot of talking or eating in the days or weeks after having braces put on.

Additionally, you can expect to see your orthodontist every four to eight weeks for regular adjustments to the braces. After these appointments, it’s likely that your child’s mouth will once again be quite sore, so schedule appointments accordingly.

Know That the Pain Will Pass

Working with an orthodontist that helps to make your child feel as comfortable as possible throughout their treatment is a necessity. A great orthodontist will discuss your child’s progress and answer any questions either of you may have throughout the entire treatment process.

Regardless of potential pain and discomfort, it’s important to remember that braces are temporary, and the results will be well worth the process. To learn more about the benefits of braces and for more tips on how to help your child adjust during those first few days, contact Thomas Orthodontics today.