Orthodontics Blog | Braces Tips and Tricks | Thomas Orthodontics | Page 4

Pre-Braces Party: What to Eat Before Brackets & Wires

The days leading up to finally getting braces can be full of excitement, anticipation, and maybe a little anxiety too. The first day in braces means you, or your child is on their way to a straighter, healthier grin. Before … Continue reading

More and More Adults are Getting Braces – Here’s Why

In your teen years, you watch as classmates get their braces to fix their crooked grins, and stare in awe when the day comes their straight, braces-free smile is revealed. Now as an adult, perhaps you are just as envious … Continue reading

Best Foods to Eat as a New Braces Patient

Preparing for when your child (or you) first get their braces on is a great way to know exactly what you all can expect after the brackets and wires are placed. Those first few days of braces can be tender … Continue reading

Do I Need Braces to Close a Gap Between My Teeth?

Gap teeth, technically referred to as a diastema, is a space or gap between two teeth that appears most often between the upper front teeth. The extent of the diastema can be either minor and something that you only notice … Continue reading

6 Ways to Get Your Braces off Faster

As another school year comes to an end, your child is probably pretty eager for that final bell to ring and for summer to begin. If your student has spent the school year in braces, they’re also probably pretty eager … Continue reading

Am I Too Old for Orthodontic Treatment?

While you may view childhood as the ideal time to make changes to the position of your teeth, it’s never too late for self improvement in any form, and your smile is no exception! More adults are opting for orthodontic … Continue reading

The First Things to Do After Your Child Gets Their Braces Off

Anyone who has ever worn braces knows there’s no better feeling than running your tongue over bracket-free teeth for the very first time after you get your braces off. On average, most people wear braces for at least eighteen months … Continue reading

Are DIY Orthodontic Systems Safe?

Can you really get straighter teeth via mail order braces? Clear aligner trays like Invisalign are one of the most popular ways for teens and adults to straighten their teeth without having to deal with metal brackets and wires, and … Continue reading

Oral Hygiene Hacks for Kids with Braces

It’s Children’s Dental Health Month – and if you have a child undergoing orthodontic treatment, now is an ideal time to make sure they have everything they need to stay healthy. Children with braces require extra attention to make sure … Continue reading

Help! Teeth Stained After Braces

The day your child finally gets their braces removed after years of time invested is a day neither of you will never forget. Braces have been a part of your child’s smile for a significant amount of time to correct … Continue reading

10 Surprising Myths about Orthodontic Treatment

There are a lot of rumors and myths about braces and you should have all of the correct facts before beginning any orthodontic treatments. While some might be true, here are 10 myths that simply are not. Any professional offering … Continue reading

What They Don’t Tell You Before Braces

We do our best to provide new patients with as much information as possible before they begin orthodontic treatment. But there’s so much to discuss that some potentially helpful advice is inevitably overlooked. Every patient is unique, and your orthodontic … Continue reading

Braces-Safe Holiday Treats for Your Kids

If this is your child’s first holiday season with their new braces, their visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads may need to be slightly altered. We’re here to help you navigate which traditional treats your child can still enjoy … Continue reading

Will Braces Change My Appearance?

Sure, braces transform your smile – but their effects extend beyond your pearly whites. Depending on the patient’s age, braces can also change their facial structure. How Braces May Change Your Facial Structure The cosmetic benefits of having braces may … Continue reading

Getting Braces Put On: What to Expect on the Big Day

The day is getting closer on the family calendar – the day your child is getting their braces put on. Understandably, you both might be a little nervous for what to expect. Learn exactly what that key appointment will be … Continue reading

The History of Braces (and Why Today’s are So Awesome)

Braces are more historic than you might think. Humans have been obsessed with perfect smiles since way back in Ancient Egypt. Of course, the braces we use today are a far cry from prehistoric orthodontics – but taking a look … Continue reading

What’s the Best Age to Get Braces?

If your daughter or son is feeling self-conscious about their teeth, accidentally biting their tongue or cheeks, or their dentist has brought up the dread B-word, you’ve got braces on the brain. But when is the best time to actually … Continue reading

How Long Should I Wear My Retainers?

If you’ve just gotten your braces off, you’re probably eager to have wire-free teeth. But if you blow off your retainers, you’re going to lose the straight smile that you worked so hard for – and that’s the last thing … Continue reading

Why Are My Teeth Sore After Getting Braces Tightened?

We know that the monthly appointments are no orthodontic patient’s favorite part of braces. Experiencing soreness all over again can make you feel frustrated – but understanding why you’re a bit uncomfortable after getting new wires will help you appreciate … Continue reading

Healthy Teeth Could Equal A Healthy Body

How often do you think about your teeth and gums? Sure, they come into your mind when you brush and floss each day, but are you valuing your oral health throughout the day? Probably not – you have more important … Continue reading

Your Handy Braces Brushing & Flossing Guide

You’re standing in front of the bathroom sink, staring at your new braces. You have your toothbrush in one hand and your floss in the other. But the standard way you clean your teeth just doesn’t feel so simple anymore. … Continue reading

These Bad Childhood Habits Can Lead to Crooked Teeth

You know that thumb-sucking isn’t exactly the best thing for your child’s health, or their socializing. But do you know just how harmful that stubborn thumb in the mouth can really be? We don’t often consider just how much control … Continue reading

How Braces Work: Step by Step

No matter how much you prepare, it’s probably going to be a little stressful when your child first gets their braces on. …But that doesn’t mean we can’t do everything possible to help! Below, we’ve collected links to all the … Continue reading

What To Expect from an Orthodontic Consultation

Don’t let the prospect of your child starting braces overwhelm you. Learning more about all the steps ahead will make the process stress-free (or at the very least free of unwelcome surprises). It all begins with your consultation. There’s a … Continue reading

Straight Teeth Help Reduce Likelihood of Jaw Pain

Straightening teeth has a variety of health benefits, depending on the patient. Those with crowded teeth find that it’s easier to clean their teeth, and that plaque is less likely to build up after orthodontics. And those with more severe … Continue reading

Why We Love Straight Teeth: It’s All About the Hollywood Smile

The reasons why straight teeth are important vary wildly. Of course, as your orthodontists, our primary concern is accomplishing healthy changes for your teeth. But human beings have a centuries-long preoccupation with the appearance of their smiles – and tooth … Continue reading

Staying Cavity-Free During Braces: Drinks to Avoid

After getting your braces on, your diet needs to go through an adjustment period. There are two primary things you’re hoping to avoid throughout orthodontic treatment: broken brackets or wires, and cavities. With all the focus on avoiding sticky or … Continue reading

How to Maintain Straight Teeth After Braces

After you’ve finished orthodontic treatment, you’re ready to acclimate to your new life with a straight smile. And while we can give you plenty of tips for life after braces, these are primarily aimed at making you comfortable. Ensuring that … Continue reading

Life After Braces: What You Need to Know

What does the future hold? You’ve spent so much time in brackets and wires that it probably feels a little tough to imagine. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to post-braces existence to give you some helpful tips and … Continue reading

How to Finish Orthodontic Treatment in Record Time

We know how eager your child is to finish up their braces – and we know you’re probably ready to finish up the monthly appointments and family dietary restrictions too. And while we wish we could wave a magic wand … Continue reading

How to Stay Cavity-Free Through Braces

Braces bring some big changes to your daily life. If you’re helping your child through orthodontic treatment, it can feel even more stressful because you’re not in control of how they treat their teeth. Whether the patient is a child, … Continue reading

Best Braces Questions to ask Your Orthodontist

We’re here to help orthodontic treatment become as comfortable (and surprise-free) as possible. As with any new undertaking, doing a little research upfront will make a big difference. If you’re meeting with multiple orthodontists, it can quickly feel confusing when … Continue reading

Whitening Your Teeth After Braces

Your braces are finally off – and you can’t wait to share your gorgeous smile with the entire world! But a little something might be holding you back. Now that your teeth are straight, you’re ready for them to be … Continue reading

Do I Need Braces? 5 Signs You’ll Benefit

Smiling in the mirror and wondering what’s ahead for your teeth? Noticing your child’s smile looking crooked? Worried over your dentist’s concerns at how your son or daughter’s permanent teeth might develop? If there are likely braces in your family’s … Continue reading

Avoiding Dental Emergencies During Braces

We know that braces can be a little stressful – and we want to do everything possible to help you avoid orthodontic frustrations. At the top of the list? Preventing dental emergencies while you’re in brackets and wires. It’s extra-difficult … Continue reading

Daily Life with Braces: 15 Tips & Tricks

Feel like you just plunged headfirst into the deep end? Getting your braces on can feel like a massive step – and the results ahead of you will make the entire process worthwhile. But how do you make it through … Continue reading

Why Bad Breath Is Harming You

If you’re new to orthodontic treatment, you may have noticed that your breath has been a little off. This may be due to the new material in your mouth, which serves as a breeding ground for bacteria and traps food … Continue reading

What Happens After Braces?

Braces are a big project – but your orthodontic treatment isn’t over the day the brackets and wires come off. Sure, you’re done wearing braces. But your maintenance of a straight smile is only just beginning. It’s up to you … Continue reading

Don’t Ignore Your Dental Anxiety

Do you get a funny feeling in your stomach whenever it’s time for a dental or orthodontic appointment? You’re far from alone. Dental anxiety is a widespread problem for patients of all ages – and it’s not something you should … Continue reading

FAQ: Parents’ Top Braces Questions

First time one of your kids is wearing braces? We know how stressful the process can feel at the outset – but learning more will help put your fears to rest. Browse some of parents’ questions we hear the most … Continue reading

Infographic: Consequences of Childhood Cavities

 Hinsdale Orthodontist | Orthodontist Hinsdale | Orthodontics Hinsdale

A Puppy With Braces Reminds Us Why Orthodontics Rules

The internet has fallen in love with braces – when they’re attached to an adorable puppy, that is. Buzzfeed ran an article about a woman named Molly whose dog Wesley fell on some tough tooth times. Her puppy had issues … Continue reading

Why Do Braces Take So Long?

Feel like your final braces appointment is taking forever to arrive? You’ve just gotten your braces on, and you can’t wait to see a straighter, healthier smile. But you’ve already feeling exhausted by the amount of time you’ll spend with … Continue reading

Keeping Your Straight Smile After Braces

You decided on braces for yourself or your child for countless reasons: a straighter smile, improved oral health, a boost in confidence…the list goes on. Once your braces are off, you want those positive life changes to last, not fade … Continue reading

Why You Should Brush and Floss with Your Kids

Feel like you’re not able to spend as much time as you’d like with your kids? Maybe it’s time to add oral hygiene to the daily bonding activities. Brushing and flossing together has so many benefits, from your kids’ oral … Continue reading

Sensitive Teeth After Braces Appointments? Here’s How to Soothe Your Smile

Teeth feeling tender after your monthly visit to the orthodontist? Discomfort is only temporary, and will fade within a few days. But how can you get through life normally during those brief periods of wincing whenever you bite down? By … Continue reading

Healthy Eating During Orthodontic Treatment

While eating might seem tricky with braces, there are plenty of delicious (and safe) snacks out there! What’s safe for your braces when it comes to mealtime? You know that sticky, hard, or chewy foods can lead to broken brackets … Continue reading

Trouble Sleeping? Make Sure You’re Breathing Easy

Next time you feel exhausted during the day, it might be a good idea to think about your nightly breathing. While the reasons behind poor sleep quality are diverse, the potential for sleep apnea is one you should never overlook. … Continue reading

Make Your Braces Face a Happy One

Braces don’t have to be a hassle. With the right attitude and approach, you can each day can feel like a big step in the right direction, instead of a collection of little frustrations. After all, the end goal of … Continue reading

Visualize Your Child’s Teeth After Braces

Orthodontic treatment can feel like a big ordeal. But focusing on the end goal instead of the process will help you and your child stay motivated through your brushing, flossing, careful eating, and monthly checkups. When you see a transformation … Continue reading