Orthodontics Blog | Braces Tips and Tricks | Thomas Orthodontics | Page 3

Tips For Comfortably Playing a Musical Instrument With Braces

The optimal time to begin orthodontic treatment for most children is between the ages of nine and 14. Unfortunately for many kids, this is also the ideal time for learning to play a musical instrument. While having braces can be … Continue reading

Broken Braces Bracket? Follow These 5 Steps ASAP!

It is not uncommon to experience a loose bracket during orthodontic treatment. Brackets are attached to your child’s teeth using a small amount of tooth-colored resin, and over time, this resin can weaken and can lead to brackets becoming loose. … Continue reading

The Many Health Benefits of Braces

Orthodontic braces can correct many issues within the alignment of the upper and lower jaws, in addition to remedying spacing between the teeth. They may also be the best thing that has ever happened to your child! Time, money, and … Continue reading

Can Wearing Your Old Retainer Realign Your Smile?

If it has been years since you had your braces removed, you may find yourself trying to remember when the last time was that you wore your retainer. It isn’t uncommon for patients to begin to see new gaps in … Continue reading

Dentist Vs. Orthodontist: What’s the Difference?

Maintaining excellent oral health is an essential piece of your overall health and well-being. However, it can be confusing to determine which type of dental treatment is right for you or for your child. To explain the difference between dentists … Continue reading

5 Common Questions About Palate Expanders

Palatal expanders are designed to take full advantage of a child’s natural growth process by treating or preventing malocclusions or poor alignment. Palate expanders help an orthodontist to create more space in a child’s mouth by gradually widening the upper … Continue reading

How Long Will Braces Hurt After Getting Them?

Preparing to get braces put on is an exciting and unnerving time for most. Those first few days or weeks of adjustment can be a learning curve, and we want to help everyone in your family feel prepared for this … Continue reading

COVID-19 Update

During this difficult time, we at Thomas Orthodontics want to do everything we can to keep our patients and team members safe. We have decided to close our office from 3/18-3/31. The closure will be in accordance with recommendations by … Continue reading

The Best Braces Color Combinations To Try Next

It’s always fun to pick a new color scheme for braces. Orange and black bands are perfect for Halloween, and around the holiday season, you may be inclined towards traditional red and green or blue and white. Spring may seem … Continue reading

Preparing For Future Orthodontics If Your Child Has a Crossbite

A child or teen with a crossbite should be addressed as soon as possible due to the way it can impact their developing facial features, jaws, and airway development. Treating this common condition will require orthodontic treatment using braces and … Continue reading

5 Reasons Why Early Childhood Dental Care Is So Important

Early childhood dental care is essential to help your child keep their mouth healthy throughout their entire lives. The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics both agree that every child should visit a dentist by age one. … Continue reading

Smoking With Braces and Why They Don’t Mix

It’s common knowledge that smoking cigarettes and using tobacco products can be extremely harmful to your health in a variety of ways. Even so, every 1 in 5 adult Americans consume tobacco, 65 million adults suffer from gum disease, and … Continue reading

Easing Any Fears Over Your Child’s First Orthodontic Appointment

Orthodontic treatment is extremely common, and as a parent, you may not realize that many children have fears of the unknown when it comes to their first orthodontic appointment. Fear of pain, the application process, food restrictions, and fear of … Continue reading

8 Ways To Prevent Bad Breath While Wearing Braces

Braces are an incredible tool that can correct crooked teeth and give you a straight smile like you’ve always wanted. After first getting braces on, some significant adjustments need to be made to your daily hygiene routine to avoid embarrassment. … Continue reading

How To Keep Your Teeth White With Braces

We hear the question of “Can whitening products be used while wearing braces?” a lot. The short answer is, yes, but there are certain things to keep in mind before any attempt is made. Always follow your orthodontist’s instructions on … Continue reading

8 Must-Haves For Keeping Braces Clean Over the Holidays

Now that you have braces, your teeth are more difficult to clean, so you have to be very careful to keep those new braces clean. You should brush your teeth properly after every meal and snack. Always keep your toothbrush … Continue reading

Does Your Dental Insurance Cover Braces For Kids?

Dental insurance can help to save money on many different treatments, and your insurance may even help you cover some of the costs associated with braces. Orthodontics can correct several issues that may come up later on in life. If … Continue reading

4 Signs Your Permanent Retainer Should Be Removed ASAP

After having braces removed, you will be faced with the choice between wearing removable retainers regularly at night or having a permanent retainer bonded to the back of your teeth. Teeth tend to drift over time once the influence of … Continue reading

Removable Vs. Permanent Retainers: Which Is Right For You?

Your teeth are not permanently fixed in place. They can and do move and shift, which is why orthodontics is even possible. If your teeth couldn’t move, your orthodontist would never be able to have a hand in helping you … Continue reading

Braces After 50: Not Just a Cosmetic Treatment

As we age, our teeth move and change too. Gradual bone loss in the jaw can push teeth inwards, crowding them, and sometimes affecting the way we look and the way we speak. Crooked teeth and poorly aligned bites aren’t … Continue reading

The Best Orthodontic Treatment Plan For Children With Special Needs

For the parents of children with special needs who need braces, finding an orthodontist who understands their child’s disability can be challenging. These children often have hypersensitivity to sensation and pain and have difficulty sitting still. As a result, many … Continue reading

Can Wisdom Teeth Be Removed If My Teen Has Braces?

Wisdom teeth may not be on your radar quite yet, but many patients are very concerned about how their wisdom teeth can affect orthodontic treatment. Many parents have concerns that once wisdom teeth begin to emerge, they will shift a … Continue reading

Will My Toddler’s Pacifier Addiction Lead To Braces?

Your child’s ability to self-soothe by use of a pacifier is both a blessing and a curse. If you’re concerned that your bill for future braces increases with each time your little one pops in their pacifier, there’s no need … Continue reading

Braces-Friendly Alternatives For Your Favorite Summer Sweets 

  Summer break means warm weather, vacations, and your favorite summer sweets! However, if this is your child’s first summer with braces, you may be in search of more braces-friendly alternatives. These healthier substitutes will keep everyone in your family … Continue reading

How To Budget For Braces

Orthodontic treatment provides people of all ages the opportunity to improve their smile. Whether you’re a parent at a consultation with your pre-teen, or an adult hoping to achieve a long-desired straighter smile, the cost of treatment could be a … Continue reading

Solve Your Sleep Apnea With This Orthodontic Device 

Sleep apnea is an extremely common medical condition that can result in a cessation of breathing while you sleep. The condition is often identified by loud snoring, chronic fatigue, and hypertension. This serious condition can have far-reaching effects on your … Continue reading

Orthodontics for Baby Teeth Vs. Permanent Teeth

Are you thinking of your child’s toothless grin with gaps and misalignment? If so, it’s likely that you are also thinking about if orthodontic treatment might be needed at some point. Orthodontic treatment allows for the ability to create a … Continue reading

Signs Your Child May Require Early Treatment Before Braces

Certain orthodontic conditions are more effectively treated if they are detected early. Interceptive orthodontic treatment can help to prevent more severe issues later on and gives your orthodontist the ability to control where your child’s permanent teeth are going to … Continue reading

Phase One Orthodontics: What To Expect

Phase One orthodontic treatment typically occurs between the ages of 6 and 9 years old while a child is still losing their baby teeth and permanent teeth are beginning to take their place. The best time to detect whether there … Continue reading

Can I Get Braces If I Have Dental Implants, Crowns, or Veneers?

Orthodontists and dentists have been seeing an increase in potential patients with advanced dental work including crowns, implants, and even veneers. Fortunately, teeth can still be straightened for both adults and children if you have one of these additional treatments … Continue reading

What Is a Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment Plan?

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) suggests that children be seen by an orthodontist by the age of seven. Having an assessment at a young age can indicate whether a child will likely need braces later on as their permanent … Continue reading

Easter Basket Ideas For Kids With Braces

You made it through the major year-end holidays including Halloween and Christmas. However,  once again, your child with braces may feel a bit left out as they’re asked to avoid many of their favorite Easter candies that are hard, sticky, … Continue reading

5 Tips to Enjoy Your Vacation With Braces

The countdown until vacation is something all family members do with a smile. But does one of those smiling faces include a child with braces? If this is your trip traveling with brackets and wires, you may be wondering how … Continue reading

Avoid Brushing Immediately After Eating If You Have Braces

This may come as a surprise, but brushing your teeth immediately after a meal can be one of the worst things you can do for maintaining a healthy smile. When it comes to eating certain foods, your toothbrush quickly becomes … Continue reading

10 Secrets Your Orthodontist Wants You To Know

Orthodontists are experts in correcting jaw and bite issues, not to mention transforming crooked teeth into a beautiful, straight smile. If you wore braces as a kid, there’s probably a lot you don’t know about orthodontics today. Here are 10 … Continue reading

Getting a Stubborn Teen Excited About Braces

We see two types of teenagers every day when it comes to orthodontic treatment. The first teen wants braces and gets excited to begin treatment knowing straighter teeth at waiting at the finish line for them. The second teen does … Continue reading

Orthodontic Terminology 101 For New Patients

Deciding to pursue orthodontic treatment for your child or yourself is one of the best decisions you could ever make. Initial consultations can be overwhelming if you are unfamiliar with the orthodontic terminology used during your appointment. Below is a … Continue reading

Braces: The Ultimate Christmas Gift

Not sure what to gift the child or teen who seems to have it all? What about the gift of perfectly aligned teeth for life! If your child is in need of alignment, now is the ideal time to see … Continue reading

5 Perfect Gifts for Someone with Braces

Finding the perfect Christmas gift for a hard-to-please teen can be tough. If there is a child or teen in your life who recently began their journey towards a straighter smile with braces, the perfect gift can be even more … Continue reading

How To Handle Orthodontic Emergencies

During orthodontic treatment, you may find yourself in the midst of an orthodontic emergency. Whether it be an uncomfortable wire poking the inside of your cheek, a broken-off bracket, or a cracked aligner, it’s important to stay calm and remember … Continue reading

Why Do I Need Braces a Second Time?

Orthodontic treatment is something many of us go through as a teenager, and many expect our smile to stay that way after treatment. However, in some cases, we may need to consider orthodontic treatment again later in life. Here are … Continue reading

The Healthy Snacks That Ruin Your Child’s Teeth

Establishing a nutritious and balanced diet is one of the best ways to help create a healthy lifestyle for your child, whether they have braces or not. As a parent, you’re always trying to do the best you can for … Continue reading

5 Tips For Your Child’s First Halloween With Braces

Halloween is the perfect opportunity for both children and adults to indulge guilt-free in our favorite treats without thinking twice about the sugar content or calories. However, if you are the parent of a child with braces, you will need … Continue reading

Avoid These Dental Disasters Braces Can Cause

Undergoing orthodontic treatment makes you and your teeth more susceptible to specific dental issues. This is because the transition to taking great care of your teeth through metal brackets and wires can be challenging. The good news is that many … Continue reading

Breaking the Habit of Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is one of the ways a child can soothe and comfort themselves. However, persistent thumb or finger sucking beyond a certain age can cause a significant tooth misalignment or lead to a jaw deformation. The habit of thumb … Continue reading

Preventing Teeth Stains From Braces

You invest a significant amount of time and money in straightening your smile with orthodontic treatments. The very last thing you want to see on your teeth after braces finally come off are pesky stains and white spots. The good … Continue reading

Know Before You Go – The Top Orthodontic Consultation Questions Answered

If you’re thinking about getting braces either for yourself or your child, there are a few common questions that you should be prepared to ask at your consultation appointment with an orthodontist. At Thomas Orthodontics, we believe that the more … Continue reading

Signs Your Child Should See An Orthodontist

You can probably tell just by looking at your child if their teeth are perfectly straight or not, yet making the decision to get braces for your child can be especially difficult for a lot of parents. You may have … Continue reading

Traditional Braces vs. Alternative Orthodontics For Teens

Gone are the days where getting a straighter smile means months (or even years) of metal brackets and wires. Today’s teens have many choices when it comes to choosing which type of orthodontic treatment is the right one for them. … Continue reading

Post-Braces Orthodontic Appointments: What to Expect

Most of our patients think that once the braces are off, they never have to come back to the orthodontist again, but that’s actually not the case. Post-braces is a crucial time period after your braces are removed because teeth … Continue reading