Orthodontist-Approved Snacks for Braces Patients - Thomas Orthodontics

Orthodontist-Approved Snacks for Braces Patients

Woman with braces holding strawberries.

Getting your braces put on is a big step towards achieving your dream smile. However, once you get back to everyday life, you might suddenly find your go-to snacks are a no-go.

Braces come with their fair share of lifestyle adjustments, especially when it comes to your diet. Understanding which snacks are friend or foe to your braces is key to successful treatment.

Why Some Snacks are Off-Limits

Braces are good at what they do, but they are also somewhat delicate. Certain foods have the potential to damage the brackets and wires or become lodged in the orthodontic hardware, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Generally, patients are advised to avoid hard, sticky, and overly sugary snacks. Hard foods can cause damage to wires and brackets, sticky foods can get caught and be difficult to remove, and sugary foods can lead to plaque buildup around the braces, which is a shortcut to tooth decay.

Orthodontist-Approved Snacks That Brace Wearers Will Love

So, what’s on the menu for braces-friendly snacking? Plenty, as it turns out. Here’s a comprehensive list of snacks that are not only safe but nutritious and delicious.

Soft Fruits and Veggies

Soft fruits like bananas, berries, and peeled apples sliced thinly or into small pieces are perfect for a quick, healthy snack. For veggies, consider roasting or air-frying at a high temp to soften them up. Carrots, bell peppers, and other veggies make for crisp yet braces-safe options when prepared this way.

Cheese, Yogurt, and Other Dairy

Dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and milk-based smoothies are not only braces-friendly but also rich in calcium and phosphates, which help remineralize teeth. Cheese cubes, low-fat yogurt, or smoothies with your favorite fruits can be both satisfying and beneficial for teeth strength, making dairy a perfect snack choice, with or without braces.

Deli Meats

Non-chewy deli meats are a great option for getting your protein in. Try making a roll-up. Layer some ham or turkey with your favorite sliced cheese and roll it up for a handy, healthy, delicious finger food. You can even stuff wraps with egg, chicken, or tuna salad for a creamy option.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a great snack to keep handy. They are packed with protein and super soft. You can make them in advance and store them in the fridge for up to a week. If you want to jazz them up, try your hand at deviled eggs.


Hummus and other spreads, like soft cheeses, are a great option. Try them on softer crackers (like Ritz) or sliced pita bread.


While many snack bars are a no-go due to their hardness or stickiness, consider something similar, like soft muffins. While muffins might not be the healthiest choice because they contain processed carbohydrates, they are still convenient and delicious. Always remember moderation is key, especially with sugary treats.

Soft Pretzels

For those who prefer savory treats, soft baked pretzels can satisfy that craving without the risk of damaging braces. Try dipping in fun sauces, like melted cheese or tangy mustard.

Snack Cups

Snacks like applesauce, fruit cups, and pudding (chocolate, vanilla, tapioca, rice, anything!) are convenient and portable. There are so many options to choose from.

Ice Cream

Ice Cream is an ideal dessert for braces patients. It is dairy, so that can be a pro. It is also soft and easy on your hardware. Again, be mindful of sugar content and always enjoy dessert in moderation.


It’s not a snack, but staying hydrated is crucial for oral health, especially for braces wearers. Water helps swish away food particles and reduces the risk of cavities. Herbal teas and milk are also good choices, offering hydration without the damaging sugars and acids found in sodas and fruit juices.

Need More Help With Your Braces?

Navigating the world of snacking with braces doesn’t have to be a challenge. Find your favorites and keep your pantry and fridge stocked!

If you have any questions about braces-safe foods, never hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way.