Braces for Adults in Hinsdale | Hinsdale Braces for Adults | Adult Braces Hinsdale

Hinsdale Braces for Adults

braces for adults HinsdaleAs different technologies progress, we are faced with fewer and fewer limits on our activities. This includes self-improvement and orthodontic care. No longer are braces solely the territory of adolescents – adults of any age can pursue orthodontic treatment without compromising their lifestyles. Dr. Robert Thomas offers different forms of braces for those unhappy with the standard course of treatment. As adults, we understand your needs and priorities, and will work with you to set up a treatment plan than doesn’t force you to change a thing about your professional, social, or family life.

Hinsdale Braces for Adults: Common Orthodontic Concerns

When you’re fully grown and pursuing orthodontic treatment, you have a few major concerns.

  • Visibility – Braces carry a teenage connotation, and a mouth full of metal isn’t something we feel great about showing off in the office or in social situations.
  • Time requirement – Metal braces require monthly visits to the orthodontist’s, and treatment can span multiple years.
  • Discomfort – This doesn’t just involve the soreness and tightness after monthly braces appointments (although that’s a worthy concern on its own), but also incorporates the messy moments braces can cause throughout adult life. Changing one’s diet, struggling to brush and floss around brackets/wires, and hiding one’s teeth aren’t something we busy professionals and parents have time for.

These concerns are alleviated by forms of orthodontic treatment created specifically for adults.

Adult Braces Options at Thomas Orthodontics

  1. Clear aligners – Aligner trays fit neatly over your teeth to guide them into new positions. These clear plastic trays are invisible to most bystanders, and will also allow you to monitor your straightening progress as it occurs. Aligners not only prevent you from having to hide your teeth behind braces, their removability leaves your diet free of restrictions and your oral hygiene regimen simple.
  2. Ceramic braces – Ceramic braces function much like metal braces, without the same level of visibility. The brackets are tooth-colored and the orthodontia much less noticeable.

If you’re an adult who has always wanted to straighten but has hesitated due to the concerns we’ve discussed, there’s still hope. Get in touch with our office to begin the orthodontic process.

Hinsdale Braces for Adults | Adult Braces Hinsdale | Hinsdale Adult Braces