Are Mail-In Aligners Safe? - Thomas Orthodontics

Are Mail-In Aligners Safe?

Young woman holding clear aligners.

Clear aligner trays are one of the most popular ways for teens and adults to straighten their teeth without having to deal with traditional braces. Clear aligners, like SureSmile, are a great alternative to traditional orthodontics that offer a comfortable, nearly invisible way to straighten teeth in a fraction of the time.

Because patients are provided with a series of custom-fitted trays that you simply pop on your own teeth each day, as opposed to in-office placement of braces requiring continuous professional adjustments, “DIY” or mail-in aligner providers have become prominent.

The Temptation of DIY Orthodontics

Mail-in aligner companies often market their products as a simple, do-it-yourself solution for achieving a straighter smile. The appeal of these services is understandable: they typically cost less than traditional orthodontic treatment and don’t require regular in-office visits.

The process involves completing an online questionnaire and purchasing an impression kit, which you do yourself at home and mail back. You then receive your aligners also via mail. No professional office visits are required, which means no personal care or oversight.

While this may seem like an easy, convenient path, you should carefully consider the safety and effectiveness of these products and recognize that orthodontic treatment is a complex process that requires the expertise and supervision of a trained dental professional to ensure safe and effective results.

Potential Risks of Mail-In Aligner Treatment

One of the primary concerns with mail-in aligners is the lack of direct oversight from an orthodontist. When you undergo orthodontic treatment without professional supervision, you may be at risk for several potential complications.

  • Inaccurate Diagnosis: Without a comprehensive in-person examination, underlying dental issues such as gum disease or tooth decay may go undetected, leading to more serious problems down the line.
  • Improper Treatment Planning: Every smile is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach to orthodontics can result in suboptimal results or even damage to your teeth and gums.
  • Lack of Monitoring: Regular check-ups with an orthodontic professional allow for necessary adjustments to your treatment plan and ensure that your teeth are moving as intended.
  • Increased Risk of Complications: Without proper supervision, issues such as tooth root damage, gum recession, or bite misalignment may develop, requiring additional treatment to correct.
  • Temporary Results: DIY aligner systems may only move your front teeth by tipping the crowns of the teeth. If the teeth are not moved in their entirety, they are far more likely to revert back when treatment is complete.

The Value of Professional Oversight

Teeth are part of a complex system that includes not only the teeth themselves but also gum tissue, bone, and a host of other factors. When it comes to orthodontic treatment, the entire system must be examined to create a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. An orthodontist will examine a patient’s individual anatomy, as well as use advanced imaging of the patient’s teeth, jaw bones and bite.

Conversely, a DIY treatment relies on a mold of your teeth that you complete yourself. This hands-off approach also makes it more challenging to monitor potential changes and problems with treatment, and to address them. While mail-in aligners may seem like a convenient and cost-effective option, the importance of professional oversight in orthodontic treatment cannot be overstated.

Are You Ready for Safe, Effective Aligner Treatment?

When considering orthodontic treatment options, be sure to prioritize your safety and the effectiveness of your investment over convenience and cost savings. While mail-in aligners may be tempting, the potential risks associated with unsupervised treatment and the lack of regular check-ups can compromise your oral health and the success of your treatment.

If you are interested in straightening your smile safely with individualized, expert care, call our office today!