How Long Will I Need to Wear My Clear Aligners? - Thomas Orthodontics

How Long Will I Need to Wear My Clear Aligners?

Hand holding invisible clear aligner

If you’re considering clear aligners, one of the first questions that might pop into your mind is, “how long will I need to wear them?”

It’s a question we get a lot, and understanding the duration of treatment can help set realistic expectations and assist in planning ahead. It can be a hard question to answer with certainty since many factors influence the length of your treatment. However, we hope we can give you some answers about the duration of aligner treatment.

Understanding Clear Aligners

Clear aligners, often recognized by popular brand names like SureSmile, are orthodontic devices that are transparent plastic trays used in lieu of traditional braces to adjust teeth. Unlike braces, aligners are nearly invisible and can be easily removed for brushing and eating. This flexibility has made them an increasingly popular choice among adults and teens who seek a less noticeable method of improving their smile.

The aligners are custom-made using 3D computer imaging technology to gradually move teeth into position. Each set of aligners is worn for two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series, each slightly different than the last, pushing your teeth closer to their final intended positions.

Duration of Treatment

As we mentioned, the length of time you need to wear clear aligners varies significantly based on several factors. Generally, the average treatment time for adults is around 12 to 18 months, but it can be shorter or longer depending on the patient’s unique situation. Here are some things that impact  the duration of aligner treatment:

The Complexity of Your Dental Issues

The nature and severity of your orthodontic issues play a crucial role. Simple cases, such as minor misalignment or spacing issues, might only require a few months, while more complex situations, like severe overcrowding or bite issues, can take up to two years or more of wearing aligners to obtain optimal results.


We cannot stress enough that compliance with wearing your aligners is key. Aligners should be in place at least 20 to 22 hours every day. Failing to wear them as directed can delay progress and extend treatment time. Each aligner set is designed to achieve certain movements, and not wearing them enough can halt these changes.


Believe it or not, age can also play a role. Younger patients often experience quicker results due to the malleability of their jaw, which is still developing. Adults, whose bones have stopped growing, might find their treatment takes a little longer. However, this is not a reason to avoid aligners as an adult. They are still a highly effective treatment option for orthodontic patients of all ages.

Technological and Orthodontic Advancements

Advancements in orthodontic technology can also affect how long you’ll need to wear your aligners. New techniques and materials can speed up treatment time without compromising effectiveness. Treatment times now are faster than they were years ago.

Individual Response to Treatment

Just as each person’s smile is unique, so is their response to orthodontic treatment. Some patients’ teeth may move to their desired positions faster than others, even if they have similar conditions.

Getting to Your Best Outcome

To make the most of your treatment with clear aligners, consider these tips:

  • Follow the Plan: Wear your aligners as prescribed. This simple act is often the most influential factor in keeping your treatment time on track.
  • Keep Regular Appointments: Regular visits to your orthodontist are a bigger piece of the puzzle than you might think. These check-ups allow us to monitor your progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.
  • Maintain Oral Hygiene: Caring for your teeth and aligners helps prevent dental issues that could complicate or extend the duration of treatment.

Remember, the key to a successful treatment with clear aligners lies in your commitment. If you’re ready to take the next step towards a straighter, healthier smile, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us today. Together, we can achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.